Isn't it cute! I thought this would be a great seller at the store, but due to the bulk of the yarn and trying to get it turned right side out, I had to leave a lot of seams un-sewn and then hand stitch. To much work that people probably wouldn't want to pay for. But of course both of my daughters want one. I told them I would loan them the pattern, give them fabric, yarn and eyes and even some ribbon and they could make them themselves. Big no to that one.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Christmas Is Coming to Soon!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Day Before Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Bitten By the Prim Bug!!!
My original search on the internet started with looking for prim ornaments to make, to hang on my tree at the store, which is the Country Lane General Store in Auburn, IN (just had to get that plug in there, lol) my tree looks pretty bare compared to all the other trees.

My drying rack.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
My Store Display

Friday, September 12, 2008
Messenger Bag Project for oldest Daughter
Friday, September 5, 2008
Latest Sewing Project and Family Addition

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Covering those Pesky 1/2" Buttons

This is my drill press with a dowel rod inserted into the bit holder. The dowel rod fits perfectly inside the 1/2" button back. You do not have to turn the drill press on, just position your button under the dowel rod and pull down on the handle. This set up would work for larger buttons also, just attach a larger dowel rod to the smaller one, or a piece of wood cut to match the back of the button you want to cover. I plan on using this set up mainly for the smaller 1/2" buttons, the larger buttons I don't make large quantities of, but if that changes I now have a set up I can use.
Here are 2 samples of my button bracelets.
I hope you find this useful!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Great News!
Everything I have made up is now at the store, so much easier than eBay or Etsy. I don't have to ship anything, and the overall cost is cheaper by the month. No PayPal taking a chunk of my earnings either.
Watch for pictures coming soon of my easy way to cover buttons without your thumb going numb!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Quilting In July?

After I finished her project I then decided to refresh my paper piecing skills. Pulled out a pattern I purchased from
called New Bumbly Bs. She has great directions plus free instructions and designs on her site also.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Check out my etsy store
I shut down my ebay store back when all the sellers were going on strike due to the unfavorable changes that ebay made. Decided to try etsy, I have sold 2 items so far, a couple of badge reels. I have so many items to list yet! Keep checking out my store there ** if you are a member of etsy please add me to your favorites!
I also accept RME for payment besides the usual PayPal, Money Order and Personal Checks.
This is a view that I hope to have every day, some day. This is a picture from our lake vacation, DH and I hope to retire someday to a nice little lake cottage.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Home From Vacation

Fishing wasn't to bad, not that great either. We all went fishing and caught a few but turned them loose, mostly bluegill and a couple nice size bass. Everyone else had casting rods but I used an old fashioned cane pole, just like my Grandpa used to set up for me when I was a kid, actually caught a nice size bass using it.
Plenty of sun and fun for everyone!!
Actually went out and picked strawberries from my little patch and had enough to make a batch of strawberry jam, ummmmmm yummy.
Can't wait to get back to crafting~!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
June Happenings

It has finally warmed up here in Indiana. Near 90° and very humid! Not my kind of weather at all. Hopefully everyone stays safe and cool this summer, and crafting.
Friday, May 2, 2008
May Stuff
I was unsuccessful with the quitting smoking, I did really good for 3 weeks on the Chantix then went back to the Dr. and had gained 10 pounds, not good, I sure did not need the extra weight! I tried so hard too, to not eat extra stuff, I wanted to be one person that could say "I quit smoking and didn't gain any weight" but that didn't happen. It has been 2 weeks now and I still haven't lost the additional weight, but am working on it.
Latest and greatest projects have been using my decorated bottlecaps and attaching them to doodads from Oriental Trading to be worn in croc shoes. I have never owned a pair until I did these, I always want to try out my stuff to make sure it will work and be comfortable to the wearer. So off to Wal-Mart to buy a pair to test before I went into major production of these.
The other thing I am doing with them is attaching them to Tie Tack Pins, that way you can decorate whatever you can get a pin through. This was Deb's idea from the store, Country Lane General Store where I have my stuff on display and for sale.
Also playing around with my button machine I purchased. It makes 2.25" buttons, I purchased all kinds of stuff with it to make keyrings, magnets and mirrors too. Still trying to figure out which program that I already have, works the best for making my own personalized buttons.

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Update for April
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Still Working Away
Been working on more woven headbands, and matching bracelets.