Monday, December 24, 2007
Happy Holidays!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Making Embroidered Patches

Also a special request from him for this patch, his nickname
Special note about this patch-this was not the finished patch, this one is pretty wrinkled, and not stitched out on the actual fabric used, this was a sample sent to him to show the general idea and to get approval for the design itself.
Another special request from a member,
The way that I make patches is to digitize the inside design. My digitizing of lettering has greatly improved due to lessons free and purchased from Carin Sharon at http://www.heavenly-inspirations.com/ great teacher!
Even though I have several fonts that I purchased to use in Embird, once I reduce the lettering to fit inside of a patch it looks pretty horrible without some additional parameter adjustments.
I stitch out the finished designs on a twill/denim fabric then do the outer border. I do it this way so that the outer border won't get distorted. If you stitch the border first then do the design it tends to distort it. I also use a cut-away stabilizer.
Once the design is done I then iron on HeatnBond Ultrahold, following the instructions on the package. (I do not cut the jump stitches on the back, and I also leave the cut-away in place to add more body) Once it has cooled I then trim around the patch as close as I can with scissors, making sure to not cut any of the satin stitches around the outside. Then just peel and remove the paper backing from the HeatnBond.
My experience with patches over the years from many school and scout events is that they don't stay on just by ironing them on. I have always stitched them down, there is also a special glue you can use to put patches on so you can apply them to items that you can't iron, I have never tried that option so I don't have any words of wisdom on its use.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Another Monday and No School Due to the Weather
I don't feel like I have accomplished anything creatively today. I decided to pull out my "old" QuickBooks Pro 2001 version and install it on my computer. My plan had been to use it to track stuff I list and sell on eBay (feeBay?) and PayPal fees and some other items if I ever get that idea going. I would like to actually see what I am spending and what I am making using eBay.
After loading everything it said I needed to register it, ok, I have all the numbers so no problem, so I thought, wrong. Had to call their help line, of course I had a hard time understanding the person I was talking to. I was asking about an upgrade, well there are quite a few upgrades in between I imagine, the lady said I could upgrade to 2008 version for a little bit of money, lol. It is always a little bit of money until I have to pay that bill.
I went ahead and purchased the upgrade and installed it, they are sending me a CD and a manual to go with it so I can install it on another computer if I need to. I then discovered that eBay can import my stuff into QuickBooks, great, went through all the steps and it said my stuff was imported. Ok, but I haven't figured out where in QB it is? Grrrrr
I did get my check book balanced in QB, to bad I already had it balanced in my checkbook register. Oh well tomorrow is another day.
I am feeling creative now, tired of the business side working all day. Think I will go sew something, or maybe take care of the laundry that is sitting in the baskets, or unload the dishwasher and re-load it. Kids being home, stuff sure does add up fast!
Stay warm and safe.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
We Have Snow!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Wednesday Evening

Monday, December 10, 2007

Sunday, December 9, 2007

In Memory of my older Brother Jeff, who passed away on April 22, 2007 he was only 46. Gone but not forgotten, there is a hole in our hearts. His pain and suffering has ended and he is now with the Angels and my Grandfather in heaven. We miss you.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Embroidered Button Ponytail Holders
I need to make the holding stitches wider I think to make it look better. Also need to stitch it out on fabric and use a cut away stabilizer to give it more body.