Looking up the Serial Number on this I found out it was made in 1910 in Elizabeth, New Jersey so she is almost 100 years old.
Bountiful Harvest of Sweet Corn-This was the first picking, even with all the garden flooding issues I had in the spring, my sweet corn did really good! Froze up over 20 dozen. We had to buy a chest freezer because my freezer in the house would not hold any more. Of course we had to buy and build a shed to put some of the "stuff" in the garage in to, to make room for a chest freezer, lol. It only took my oldest son and myself 3 days to get a 10 x 10 shed put up.

Tomatoes are another story, they are growing very slowly, may be the flooding in the spring, the cooler summer we seem to have had, the variety I planted or the spot in the garden I planted them in, not sure how they are going to turn out. No red ones yet and it is almost September.
I do have one volunteer that came up in another spot and I have gotten a few red ones from it.
I have planted beets 3 times now, and still nothing! I think something has been digging them up as soon as they start to grow and eating them. I have found little dig spots all around them. Since they will grow in cooler temps I am going to plant them for a fourth time inside the little fenced in area I have. I really like my pickled beets and eggs.