My Son In Law is home from Iraq!!! Maegan and Ryan were able to spend an hour with him in Indianapolis on Tuesday. He is gone right now again for all the final stuff they need to do before he can come home for good, we are hopeful for Saturday or Sunday! All those that are still there, sending out good thoughts and prayers for your safe return to your own families.
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving Holiday. We are doing a big traditonal dinner here. My oldest daughter Maegan who is here just about every day with my Grandson Ryan has been a really big help to me in getting my house in order. I used to be a super duper housekeeper, but as I get older it doesn't seem to matter as much. Our house isn't filthy, but the deep cleaning that I used to do once a week doesn't happen that often. My main objective is to keep the junk cleaned up, but then I think everyone has that spot in their house that seems to accumulate everything.
Still working on stuff for the store, latest project is chalk/oilcloth mats. Took several over to the store and the owner wanted 4, lol. Had a issue with the chalk falling out of them so need to re-think my design and come up with a way to keep the chalk from falling out if it gets turned upside down. She also wanted a chalk eraser with each of them, I had looked for small erasers but hadn't come up with any that were reasonably priced. The store owner (Deb) said she has some foam that she thinks will work for that purpose. So I will pick that up after Thanksgiving and attach it some how so it doesn't get lost, or make another pocket for it. Once I have a good finished product I will post pics.