Crazy weather here in Indiana! Snow, then fog, now rain! Most of the snow is gone from all the rain we have been getting. I think my poor garden has been under water all winter long haven't seen standing water like that before. My schedule is all messed up with the school closings, 2 and 3 hour delays, kids are loving it!
I have been really sick, so I haven't accomplished as much as I have wanted to. Finally went to the Dr. to get something to make me feel better. I am stubborn and bull headed when it comes to going to the Dr. for myself, I wait for my body to heal itself, unfortunately sometimes you need the modern miracle drugs, antibiotics, lol
They did a step throat test, never had one of those done before so I wasn't prepared when the poor nurse stuck that swab clear down my throat, (did I mention I am a gagger from way back?) lol. But it came back negative, no strep throat, just good ole tonsillitis plus a sinus infection, yeah! Gave me a script for some antibiotics, should start feeling better any day now? I hope?
Also asked for a prescription for Chantix, suppose to block those nasty little nicotine receptors in your brain (have you seen the commercials on TV?) and have a 80% success rate in helping you to quit smoking. I am so ready! My Dr. and my Son both tell me I wouldn't have as many sinus problems if I would just quit smoking, like I am not an adult and know that already????? Dr. said to start on this stuff once I start feeling better, I will let you know how it goes.
Latest hot projects-Bottle cap necklaces

These have been very popular with my youngest DD and her friends (14 yr age range) not the HM ones but the Kitty ones. These are just a sampling, I have made about 15-20 so far.
1" Woven Headbands
These have been a blast to make, I purchased the instructions from Devon at I love her stuff, and her instructions are the best, so easy to follow with step by step pics. I also purchased her Princess Clippies, have made 3 so far and they have even turned out great! Keep up the good work Devon!!!!