We lost our cat of 8 years, Blackie to feline leukemia.
My Mom has been in and out of the hospital with problems with her heart. Finally they put in a pacemaker and she is home and doing good. Thank God!
Picture of Blackie with Crystal who passed, almost 2 years ago, she was 19 yrs old.
Today I had to take our kitten in and have him put to sleep. We found out a couple of weeks ago that he had cancer too, but he had it in his lymph nodes. We take good care of our cats, vet checks, shots, fixed and they never go outside. There was nothing more they could do for him and he had lost so much weight, had lost the little spark that made him such a character.

Being a goof on the back of the couch, Busted big time, up on the table and inside my purse! Snuggling with his best bud Lilly. We still have Lilly, she seems kind of lost and has been for a while with Sabre being sick and not tearing around the house with her. They loved to rough and tumble and be in trouble together all the time!
I guess I was in denial when they called and told us it was cancer. Kept hoping he would get better, but he didn't. You just know when enough is enough and you can't watch them suffer any more.
I am selling again on ebay and etsy, more so on etsy, cheaper to list, trying to liquidate all my stuff that I have worked so hard on, but hasn't sold through the store. I have way to many things and can't keep storing them, it interferes with my being able to work on other, new things. So if you get a chance check out my stuff and hopefully you can find something you just can't live without.
ebay ID-Sewitch22
etsy ID-SewitchStitching